A long time ago, when I could easily walk under horses, I wanted to play a mage...
But it did never happen that way.
So this story starts the other way. During ICC progression (very close to the LK kill), while playing a paladin tank, I used to run some older dungeons with two mages on off-raid days, and finally, for different reasons, dropped the paladin completely and made a mage.
I. Start
Birth realm: Jaedenar
Faction: Horde
Birth name: Arcida
Race: Blood Elf
Date: I don't remember the exact date, but saying ~ May 7th, 2010 should be rather precise.
1. Just capped, June 21th, 2010.
2. Geared
3. Already raiding
II. Pre-Cataclysm world
III. Cataclysm
1. Trying to collect all the profession formulas I ended up on PVP realm Zenedar on Alliance side (about 80/20 Horde-Alliance balance) 1 day prior to Cataclysm release, and wasting almost all of my gold on this enchanting formula. But nonetheless, leveling went pretty smooth with no PVP issues.
2. But later I got back to Horde. This place was my favorite for the whole expansion.
3. ... and once again I changed faction to Alliance. This time as a human.
Did some progression, like 6/7 Firelands heroic (10), and 2/8 Dragon Soul heroic (10).
But the search for a 25m raid..., yes, it brought me back to Horde.
4. Home, sweet home
5. Gearing up another mage for the Herald of the Titans achievement.
6. DS heroic mount. Rolled it on the second kill, luckily.
7. My Tarecgosa's legendary.
IV. Mists of Pandaria
1. Pandaren, of course. Still Horde though.
2. This is neither name change, nor faction. Just a second mage. Arcane spec was so great, fun, and enjoyable to play, that I capped her too. But it didn't last for too long since patch 5.2 ruined all that fun for arcane mages.
And that also was the time when I changed the name to Keishi.
3. ToT wipes
Sometimes Tortos breathes so hard that literally stretches you on the wall.
4. Just a random boost by "chicken tank" while leveling an alt.
5. SoO progression: Siegecrafter Blackfuse.
6. Iron star won't stop us.
7. No more Garrosh, we need a new warchief.
V. Draenor
1. Another world. Standby in a hardcore way. Sitting near the raid entrance being ready to get in.
2. Being drunk might be useful. Sometimes.
3. A Blood Elf again.
4. And a gnome.
VI. Legion
1. Almost capped.
2. No one needs a gnome here. Let's try Horde once more.
3. Much better!
4. It didn't last too long, so struggling in Nighthold and achieved only 3/10M,
we managed to kill 7/9 ToS heroic and stopped raiding at all.
5. Hard times looking for a guild.
One year of gameplay, it took almost exactly 8 years of real life.
Sometimes, while flying around Broken Isles, it reminds me that this mage
is the same I've been playing all the time since Wrath. But at the same time, I can't believe it's true because of how the game has changed over time.
P.S.After Druff said about his alts overall played time, I also counted this for mine. It appeared like another year - 338 days.
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